今集說Gorden broke out to hunt down Sammy, 兩兄弟本在獵Dickson先生(XD), who kept turning blonds into vamps。 然後Gorden不小心被Dickson先生抓了去, 為了報復, Dickson先生(我真的很喜歡打這個名字XD)把Gorden也變成vamp了, 可是Gorden變得很厲害啊自行逃脫了

兩兄弟知道Gorden已經變 成vamp了, Dean打算獨自去解決, 然後兩兄弟吵起來這段非常歡樂
Sam"Drop the attitude Dean, quit turning everything into your punchline(XD), and you know something else? Stop trying to act like you're not afraid"
Dean"I'm NOT"
Sam"You're lying, and you may as well drop it cause I could see right through you"(說到這裏我還以為是Sam的power又多一種了XDDD)
Dean"You've no idea of what you're talking about"
Sam"Yeah I do, you're scared Dean, you're scare because your "a year" is running out, you're still gong to hell, and you're freaked"
Dean"...and how do you know that?"
Sam"Because I LOVEknow you!"(那一刻我真的以為jared會說love...)
Sam"Yeah because I've been following you around for my entire life! (sad BGM in! GJ 啊配樂人員這timing非常好!) I mean I've been CARRYING A TORCH FORlooking up to you since I was four, Dean, studying you,(包括body嗎?!XD) trying to be just like my big brother. So yeah I LOVEknow you, MOREbetter than anyone else in the entire world......"
Dean".....(終於看一眼Sam, 想說甚麼可是又馬上低下頭)"
Sam"And, I mean I can't blame you, it's just......(想哭了Sammy)"
Sam"...just I wish you'd drop the show, (我看到眼淚了///////////) and be my brother again, 'cause......just 'cause(沒錯愛你哥是不需要理由的)"
(大 愛這裏的BGM)然後Dean讓步了, 說他們等到明天就走反正Gorden又track不到他們(剛Sam把他們的電話給smash了), 可是一直都沒有對上他的視線/// 直到說完話才終於, 又遊移了幾下, 才肯正眼看Sam兩秒又低下頭分明是害羞(指)...Jen美人你真的真的太行了我絕對確信Jared有衝動即場撲倒你的//////(羞XD)

封好門後, Dean拿著刀在呆坐。突然電話響了。本來正在看窗外的Sam反應靈敏地抽出刀, 不可置信地看著他, 拉過旁邊的椅子也坐下來, 問:"You've got that phone two hours Dean who'd you give the number to?"(醋味XDD)
結果是Dean出去的時候把電話話了甚麼女路人, 然後被Gorden找到那女的了
Dean"How'd you get this number?"
Gorden"Your scent is all over this cell phone Dean, of course I can smell you now"(這個變態從上季第一次出場開始就對Dean有點甚麼//////*抖)

Gorden讓他們去個工廠找他, 救那女的
很順利地救了那女人然後Dean抱起她正要離開, Gorden拿準時間落閘把Dean和Sam分開了
G撲去打Sam可是不小心連牆壁都打碎了所以Dean也能幫手。可是Jen美人你真不應該走過去啊,Sam被踢飛了, 你猜怎麼著///



Sam"What's the matter Dean you barely let me drive this thing"
Dean"It's time, you should know how to fix it, you've got to know these things for the future...Besides, it's my job huh? Show my little brother the ropes."


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